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the artist as artwork: self-exhibits

Piero Manzoni:
Magic Base, 1961

Robert Morris: Untitled
(Box for standing), 1961

Remko Scha: Remko Scha
Park Middelheim, Antwerp, 1965

Timm Ulrichs: Das erste lebende Kunstwerk, Galerie Patio, Frankfurt/M, 1966 [1991 remake]

Gilbert & George:
Our New Sculpture, 1969

Henk Jurriaans
Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, 1975

Robert Filliou: Yes (Action Poem).

Performance for poet and lecturer. The poet sits in a chair, silent and motionless. Behind him, the lecturer presents a fairly extensive lecture describing the body parts and bodily functions of the poet. After the lecture, the poet recites a brief poem stating his ideal of "sitting quietly, doing nothing".

Performed in 1965 at the Café au Go-Go in New York by Robert Filliou (poet) and Alison Knowles (lecturer).

Ben Vautier: Sculpture Vivante, 1962

Gerhard Richter & Konrad Lueg: Leben mit Pop, 1963

Chris Burden: Jaizu, 1972


Gottfried Bechtold:
100 Tage Anwesenheit in Kassel, 1972



Ben Vautier, 1966

Keith Arnatt, 1972


Hermann Nitsch: Aktion I, 1962

Chris Burden: Transfixed, 1974


Stelarc: Event for Lateral Suspension, 1978

Musafa: Dances Sacred and Profane, 1982


Obscure sources:

Robert Filliou: "Yes. An action poem." In: A Filliou Sampler. New York: Something Else Press, 1967, pp. 5-10.

Henk Jurriaans: M'n Leven als Kunstwerk. Amsterdam: Contact, 1976.